29 May 2022
List of Statutory Compliance Documents Required from Contract Labor / Worker
List of Documents/Forms:
Request letter to Principal employer for From V
Labor License Immediate before commissioning of work ( if more than 20 workers )
Half yearly Return by contractor See rule 82(I)
EPF Code ( if worker drawing salary maximum upto 6500.00 pm)
PF Annual Return ( form 3A/6A)
ESIC Code( if worker drawing salary up to 15000.00 pm)
ESIC Return Half yearly ( April & October)
BOCW Registration ( If 10 or more workers are deployed and working in side building i.e. doing any new construction ,alteration, demolition work etc.)
LWF code
Workman compassion policy Immediate( if worker drawing salary more than 15000.00 pm)
Workman compassion policy Immediate (Compulsory for any construction work)
Register of contractor(see rule 74 form XII)
Register of workmen (see rule 75 form XIII)
Muster Roll register(see rule 78 (I)(a) (i) form XVI)
Wages register(see rule 78 (I)(a) (i) form XVII)
Advance register( see rule 78 (I)(a) (iii) form XII)
Fine register (see rule 78 (I)(a) (ii) form XXI)
Deduction of Damage & Loss register(see rule 78 (I)(a) (ii) form XX)
Over time register(see rule 78 (I)(a) (iii) form XII)EPF Challan every month
ESIC Challan Every month
LWF Challan (June & December every year)
Wage Slip
Professional tax (if available)
Renewal of Workmen Insurance/ workmen policy before expire date
Renewal of Labor License (one month before expiring)
While submitting monthly bills, contractor needs to submit following minimum documents.
ESIC challan copy (if worker’s salary up to 15000/- pm)
Copy of Workman compassion policy (if worker’s salary more than 15000/- pm)
Provident Fund Challan
Labor License copy (if more than 20 workers)
BOCW Registration copy (If no. of workers more than 10 and working inside building area i.e. any new construction ,alteration, demolition etc.)
LWF paid Challan copy (June and Dec.)
Copies of Registers – Attendance Register, Wage Register, Register of Fine, Register of Advances, Register of Damage & Loss, Overtime Register.